Did you know neutral colors can be difficult to work with?

Contrary to popular belief, neutral colors are some of the most difficult to work with when it comes to paint.  Why?  Because even THEY have undertones that always need to be considered, and they can show very differently dependent on a ton of factors! 🤯

For this house, we wanted a deep neutral brown for all the trim.  Normally, Sherwin Williams Deep Forest Brown would be a great contender. But because of the direction this house faces, it just looked way too purple! 😅

We tried a few more colors, but in the end decided on a warm black, because it had the exact bold pop we were wanting! 🖤

Remember, it is SO important to always try a swatch (or better yet, get a Samplize peel and stick sample that you can move around), because what may look good on one home may look totally different on another! 🏠


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